Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I spent two hours sitting outside the coffeeshop after I got off work just socializing. It was good, and I made more of a connection with an acquaintance (someone I'd like to hang out with...) but I felt weird after I got home. I guess just cause it's different from the usual routine. I'm not sure what to think about it. Hm.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My bday v. Zombie Jesus, Ostara and summer plans

I've been busy for me the past couple of weeks. Pet was here just this last weekend to help me celebrate my bday (yay for sharing my birthday with zombie jesus!) and to go to OA for the Ostara ritual on Saturday. Speaking of which, happy belated Ostara! The land is warming up and spring is coming back and I couldn't be happier about it! All in all it was a pretty good weekend, although by Sunday I was ready for some alone time. Last weekend my dear friends Fig and Bear were here for a visit and I showed them all around town. I'll have to go into more detail later. I think I must have picked up a bug from someone, I've been feeling kinda icky all day, I even took a four hour nap. Highly unusual...

My plans for this summer are morphing and changing, but still not totally coming together. I'm still pretty sure I'll be going to Montana, I'll just be going later than originally planned. There are a couple of events in early May that I will get to go to now that I was bummed I would be missing, so that's exciting. I think things will work out better this way. Oh and I just heard from my sister and her husband has been offered a position at our alma mater back in Spring-town, which is just what they had wanted, so woot! I'm happy for them, especially since they'll be closer to family.

More later...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

In Love/Still?

I thought I was over this.

Owl and I had a conversation over three phone calls yesterday. He wanted to tell me that he's in a relationship. I wasn't sure how to feel about it, but we had a good talk and I said a lot of things I haven't been able to say for a while. It was the first good talk we've had in a very long time. That made it alright for some reason, I guess confirming that we still have a close connection of some kind. Seeing a photo of him and her this afternoon made me cry. Honestly I'm still confused and even though I may say with certainty that I am over him, there is a part of me that knows that is not true. Yesterday for the first time I seriously contemplated asking him to not contact me for a while, but I don't know if that would be worse because I would miss him more. Sigh.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Baked goods

Oh, and I just wanted to share that I've been baking a lot lately and I have been getting some amazing results, so much so that my roommate is just insisting that I must sell my baked goodies because people would definitely pay money for them. So, that's sweet. Anyways, a friend of mine gave me a friendship bread starter a few weeks ago and I've been playing around with that. So far I've made muffins: carrot raisin, molasses spice and apple currant (WOW), breads: date walnut, spiced carrot raisin oat and apple currant oat and a few kinds of pancakes. All have been delicious. That is all :-D

Happy March!

I feel it's safe to say that it finally feels like spring will be here soon. The weather was amazingly beautiful last weekend. I had been feeling so shitty. Sunday was so warm and sunny, all I really wanted to do was sit outside and soak up as much sunshine as I could, all that glorious warmth, light and energy I had been missing out on all winter. I felt so happy just being a sponge. Ahhh....and little green things are beginning to sprout up out of the ground! How wonderful! How awesome! How so delightfully glorious! We still have some cold weather ahead of us, but hope has arrived at last ;-)

It's getting down to the wire here. I'll be leaving in a month and a half (ok, so not really that far down to the wire yet, but's closer than a month ago!) Leaving also means I'll be quitting my jobs and moving out, so no more income and no more permanent home! I'm starting to sketch out a basic budget for my summer and I've realized I'm really going to have to clamp down on my spending, I'll need every penny if I'm going to do all the things I want to do! That's alright, I'm really good at saving money. I can do it! And I'll be livin' cheap this summer! I'm talking about camping and crashing on couches instead of paying rent kinda cheap. I'm so excited! Hopefully soon I'll find a decent bike for free or cheap so I can drive less too. As far as food goes, I'm not opposed to dumpster diving, I may have to give it a try. The farmers' market will be up and running too, maybe I can find a farmer who will give me tasty produce in exchange for some work. Hrm....lots of ideas! More ideas are of course very welcome if any of you wonderful people have any. Ehh??