Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Magic Star Forest

I have some pretty fond memories of this place. The time I spent there with Rabbit and Wolf was the best part of last summer, hands down. When I'm missing Rabbit I think about playing like silly wood nymphs among the trees and moss covered boulders as the sun was going down. The light was perfect and we hadn't a care in the world. It was divine. Thinking about that time always makes me smile.

Last night I got a chance to talk with Rabbit. It had been probably a month since we last talked. It was good to hear she's doing alright. I'm sad I can't be there for her. The most I can do is offer an ear, but I wish I could do more.

I'm really looking forward to having a chance to see my dear Rabbit again this summer. It'll be so great to hang out with her again (and ole Wolfie too of course!) Woo summertime, can't get here soon enough!


Nick said...

Blah? how's 'bout ta dah. Is that right now?
There is snow all over the place here, but you can tell its the end of winter 'cause cardinals are making randy noises and the saps flowing (I've been drinking it):)

Lulu Westbrook said...

Summmer tiiiiimmmme. The livin' is easy....