Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Burning Man, 2008 Festival Fun

I have something exciting to announce.....I'm going to Burning Man!!!! WOOOOOO! I am SO excited! Just recently I had decided that since one of my lifelong goals is to have rewarding/enriching/enlightening/amazing/fun experiences that I should spend next year doing just that. The year is mostly open anyway and I'll be traveling to and fro around the country, so I decided that maybe I should just hit up some festivals while I'm at it. If we can make it happen, Rabbit, Wolf and I will be going to Starwood in upstate New York and I might make it out to Pagan Spirit Gathering in Ohio for Summer Solstice, unless I'm still busy camping in Oregon. Recently I had been considering Burning Man as well, since it just sounds like a very unique, crazy experience and I thought I'd want to go at least once in my life. Why not next year!? I hadn't seriously considered it until I found out that Pet was also thinking about going. I did some research a couple of days ago and the more I read about it and looked at pictures, the more I realized I wanted to go. I really just want to experience it all for myself. So, I called Pet up and....we're going! Well, we aren't 100% sure yet, he has to make sure to get off from work...but, tentatively, WE'RE GOING TO BURNING MAN!!! YEEEEAAAAHH!

The photo is of Black Rock City in 2006, and is here on Flickr.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so awesome! Way Cool!