Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Yule!

Ah, the winter solstice is finally upon us. I have been waiting for this day for a while now. The shortest day of the year, the moment after which the light will start growing again. The moment of the rebirth of the sun and the slow return to life. Lately I have been feeling the lack of sunlight down deep. I have been bundling up and hibernating and taking time to contemplate and reflect. Tis the season for such things I suppose. Thankfully I have not yet begun to feel sad for lack of sunlight and warmth, that usually doesn't happen until February or so. I am so very thankful though, knowing that now the sun will be in the sky a little longer each day, instead of the other way 'round. So, tonight I will celebrate the return of the sun. For now, I think I will pop outside to watch the moon, it is quite lovely. I wish everyone a very wonderful solstice and hope you all will enjoy the return of the light as much as I will! Goodnight!

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