Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Love, and Kale!

I just had a good conversation with a great friend of mine (haven't yet picked a cool fake name yet ;-) during which we discussed the limitations of the English language as far as the word 'love' goes. We only have one word for love and we apply it to all kinds of love: familial love, friend love, passionate love, love for inanimate objects and ideas etc etc. He told me that the Greek language has four words for love. How cool is that?!

I picked up some kale at the farmers' market yesterday. I haven't had a whole lot of experience with kale, either eating it or cooking with it. I like it! Last night I made a dinner of it with carrots and broccoli, all steamed together. I added a homemade tahini sauce and some lemon pepper, it was quite yummy! I'm always happy to learn that I like something that is so good for you. It doesn't get much better than those dark leafy greens! According to NutritionData, one cup of raw kale has over 200% of your daily dose of vitamin A, over 100% vitamin C and 9% calcium. They didn't have options for steamed kale, only boiled. I know cooking affects how many nutrients are available to your body (sometimes making more or less nutrients available) and I'd be interested in seeing the difference between steamed and boiled. Anyways, woo kale!

Ok, end nerdiness.

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