Sunday, November 25, 2007

Socializing and lack of sleep

I am just exhausted, from too much socializing. Or, much more than I am used to anyway. I keep staying up way too late even though I know I have to get up at 5:30. After several days of this, I'm now really feeling it. Thank goodness I have all day to recuperate! It's been good though, actually getting out and doing stuff. I went to a party (woh, I never go to parties) on Friday night for a bunch of people I work with who are moving away. It was a good time for sure, with a big fire (what a beautiful night!), special "superpowers" and cool people. I stayed out by the fire for most of the night, winter isn't so bad as long as you've got a warm fire to sit by.

Wolf will be joining Rabbit in the big city in a couple of days, so I've been bummed out today. I cried a little this morning before I went to work :-( I'll miss old Wolfie! There's a going away party tonight for him that I'm going to go to. It'll be interesting I'm sure.

I've been missing Pine lately, I'm really looking forward to seeing him again, hopefully soon! I have hopelessly fallen for him and am already distracted. It's crazy. I've learned that you definitely can't just plan these things, life just happens whether or not you want it to. And that is okay with me.

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