Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Samhain!

I have spent an inordinate amount of time this evening playing around with my fancy schmancy new flickr and goodreads widgets, for no good reason other than to entertain myself. At least they're pretty, right?

Owl came and went this afternoon. It was strange and uncomfortable. It felt so odd. While talking with him I didn't see in him what I had loved so much before. I felt different this time, like he no longer has any power over me. That felt good, really good. I would have preferred to not see him at all, but it is good to know I will no longer fall into that old trap. Huzzah!

It is November already. Sigh. The summer is over, and thus begins the dark half of the year. I always feel a little sad as the days start grow shorter and the nights start getting cold. I am such a sunchild and I know I will miss the green and the warm weather. Although after having gone through the long winter, I always appreciate the spring and summer so much more. I do enjoy watching the world change through the seasons! I would have liked to celebrate Samhain with my pagan friends (a feast and a bonfire perhaps!) but sadly they are all far away and scattered about. Maybe next year if I am among more like-minded folk... Last night I went next door for a party where I mostly just sat around a fire pit eating junk food and talking with neighbors new and old. There was talk of my infamous outhouse costume I wore when I was little...I'll never live that down. It was enjoyable, and the warmest Halloween I can remember!

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