Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend Madness

This weekend's been mixed. For most of yesterday I hung out with my new friend Comic (what I'm calling him for now), which was pretty enjoyable. We went to the Pinnacles for a hike, had dinner, hung out, talked a lot and had dessert. He's probably the nerdiest person I've ever hung out with, but not overly socially awkward and a really sweet guy. It was good. He'll probably be leaving CoMo soon though, which leads me to think I'm developing a knack for befriending people who have plans to leave town soon. Ah well.

Today was a little crazy....I spent a lot of the day dealing with my car again, this time a flat tire. At least it was on a day when I didn't have to go to work! I ended up having to buy a new tire, which kinda sucks but hopefully it'll last a while. I did finally learn how to change a tire on my car, so that's good right? I was really stressed and frustrated there for a bit and was nearly babbling and fighting through tears when I called my parents to ask their advice. What's up with that?! I generally handle stress well, but for some reason I was really struggling with it today. When my roomie and I finally made it back to my car with the new tire to put it on, two people I knew happened to be around and provided moral support and a really nice lady came by with a fancy power tool she had to screw on the lug nuts. How nice was that? By that time I had overcome the crazy anxiety. I'm still picking that one apart...what was it that made me nearly fall to pieces over a flat tire? Hmm...I'm really grateful to all the people who ended up helping me out today: two of my roommates and a friend for providing rides, at least two strangers for helping out and more friends giving moral support. It reminds me that people can be good ;-)


Lulu Westbrook said...

Man, that would never happen here...Motorists that drive by are more likely to flip you off for being in the way and almost hit you when they drive by!:)

Will you teach me how to change a tire? I don't know how either.

Anonymous said...

I can totally teach you how to change a tire my lovely llama-ette!! What's more awesome than two radical babes like us working on being more independent?