Friday, February 15, 2008

Inspiration and Thoughts for Rabbit

It seems recently when I sign in to post something, I just don't know what to say and give up before I even start. Blogging feels rather useless sometimes.

I had an inspiring day on Wednesday. First I found out one of the regulars at the coffeeshop is a burner who attended Burning Man for the first time last year. So as soon as I saw him I said, "so I hear you're going to Burning Man." That started a long, excited talk and ended up making me think about BM for the rest of the evening. Then, I noticed a guy looking through a seed catalog from Baker Creek and I just had to mention it. So, we started talking about seeds and growing things and permaculture and land was good. He's just started working with Big Canoe, a local organization I've been interested in for a while. I gave him my email and told him to contact me if he ever wanted my help playing in the dirt. Even if I never hear from him, it was just cool to connect with someone who is into growing veggies as much as I am. So...that was cool, connecting with some like minded folks. I always love that.

There's just not much else worth writing about, except....

My dear, dear friend Rabbit has been on my mind lately. She's going through a pretty rough time right now and I so wish there was something I could do to help her through it. My heart goes out to her when I think about what she's going through. Dearest Rabbit, my thoughts are with you. I send you lots and lots of love, strength and courage. If I could give you a hug, I'd give you a million!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just bought some seeds from baker creek. Hurray for seeds!