Thursday, January 24, 2008

About Pine and I'm a good barista!

I had a long, late night conversation with Pine last night. It was good to get some of that out. I am happy to know that man, I don't think there is another person I am more comfortable around. I can tell him things that I rarely, if ever, speak about. That is a wonderful thing.

Earlier this week one of the supervisors at the coffeeshop told me that I am one of the best baristas he has seen there since he started. Granted he's been there less than a year, but the guy seems to know what he's doing and people say he makes the best cappuccinos. I just think it's fun making drinks. I'm sure I'll get tired of the place after a while, just like at my last job, but at least this one is easier with fewer responsibilities! Ha. (and I make more tips, so bam!)

Time to get my toast on and work on a puzzle. It's been a while...

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