Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Year of Owl

Today marks exactly one year since I met Owl in person for the first time. It's not that big of a deal I guess, it's just hard for me to believe it's been a year already. On one hand I wonder how it could be only just one year because SO MUCH has happened, so much has changed, but on the other hand it just doesn't seem like it's been that long. It seems like this past year has gone by so quickly.

I have been reflecting on all the changes that have taken place since I met Owl and how different things would be had I not met him. Meeting Owl was a catalyst for some major life changes for me. Pretty much all these changes have been positive. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be in this cool place I am in now and I wouldn't know the amazing, wonderful people for whom I am so incredibly grateful. I would never have met Rabbit, Wolf, Pine or Pet, all awesome people whom I adore. Also, he introduced me to a spiritual path that makes so much sense to me. It has really felt like a homecoming and when it started coming together for me, I felt like I had finally found what I had been looking for. I will be forever grateful for that. I have also gone through some big personal changes that were influenced by Owl and by our relationship. Some of his insights and my realizations during certain experiences we had together have led me to reexamine certain behaviors and thought patterns that were unnecessary or detrimental to my mental and spiritual well being. I have also developed a more positive worldview and attitude, partly as a result of dealing with the ups and downs of our relationship. Wow, it's crazy to think of how much influence he has had on my life. One whole year...

The photo is of Owl and I at a wedding last New Year's Eve, a mere week after we first met in person (we met online a few weeks earlier).

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