Friday, April 18, 2008

Pine, Rabbit and wtf you're getting married??

I feel like I've been all go go go lately. Last weekend was pretty much awesome. Pine was here and it was great to see him again. There were games with Wolf, lots of work outside in the cold nasty sleety weather (helping clean up OA in preparation for Interfuse), much laughter, great hiking and probably too much imbibing. The rest of this week I've been trying to catch up with my friends here in CoMo before I leave town. Next week will be my last official week living and working here for at least until the fall. I'm pretty excited!

Rabbit is coming to town this weekend (actually she is on her way now!) for a visit and I'm very much looking forward to hanging out with her. It's really a bummer that it's raining since we were planning on camping, but I'm sure we will still have lots of fun together nonetheless (and I am doubly sure there will be too much imbibing). Speaking of such matters, Rabbit just called and they are already in town sooo...I'm off to meet them for lunch! WOOT!

p.s. What's up with this marriage thing being so popular? I found out this week that two of my exes are engaged. Crazy.

1 comment:

Lulu Westbrook said...

Hey Honey! Sorry I've missed your calls!!! I really want to get caught up! I hope everythins is OK.

These marriages are the reason the divorce rate is so high in this country. *sick* Tell me it's not Owl that's the other that's engaged...Tell me that right now.

I'm wasting time until I get to leave at three. I'll be driving through CoMo tonight!! I wish I could stop and say hi, but alas, I must pee at the QT and bolt forward.

Know I'll be sending you much love and blowing kisses towards downtown!!!

June is moving up in June. We are looking at apartments and it's going to be great. You will always have a couch to crash on. And a clean bathroom to poo in.