Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wolf's bday present and nonexcitingness

Wolf called me last night to thank me for the bag I made for his birthday. I am so glad he likes it! I'm also pretty happy that it didn't get lost in the mail. It was nice to talk with him, I don't get to talk with him and Rabbit much so it's always a treat. I've started to miss all his stupid jokes he makes about me so it's good to get a little dose of that now and again.

Last night I watched Match Point. Lame. It pretty much sucked until the end. I don't recommend it unless you like bad acting.

I now have to wear a really dorky shirt when I work the coffeeshop kiosk at the hospital, yay. I guess at least now I don't have to put as much thought into my outfits when I get up at 5 am. Ya gotta find the positives in things right?

Lately I haven't been very exciting. I'm becoming quite the hermit.

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