Sunday, February 10, 2008

Great Hike and Lovely Willow

Now here is a lovely looking sunny day....too bad it's only 20 degrees. So that leaves me sitting inside wasting time on the internet and wishing spring were here. I've had enough of this winter! Cabin fever has set in and while hope remains that I will not become permanently crazy, I am still feeling rather wily.

I had the opportunity to enjoy the nice weather yesterday by getting out for a hike at Three Creeks. I had been wanting to go back out there for quite a while. It was one of the first places Owl took me when I first came to CoMo and I had only been back once with Rabbit and Wolf last summer. I had been really wanting to explore it more. I went with a friend and his lady, who turned out to be not quite hardcore hiker material, but she endured it rather well without complaint. Along the way we ran into a fellow hiker who was looking for the cave I had been wondering about. (The cave that Owl and I just happened to have a little romp in ;-). I couldn't recall exactly how we had gotten there and it wasn't on the provided map. So, he invited us to come along with him to find it (he had one of those fancy GPS dealios) and me being the adventurous type, was all for it. My friends agreed and off we went! It didn't take us too long to find, although it took us a while to problem solve our creek crossing, but we made it without getting very wet. My friends ended up heading back before getting to the cave. I was sorry they had to miss it, but maybe another time. It was just as cool as I remembered, although we stayed out considering this is the time of the year when the bats are hibernating (don't want to disturb them). Then I helped my new found friend find a cache, as apparently he's into geocaching. We quickly found it, wrote in the logbook, took a few pictures and were on our way.

So this guy....we ended up talking during the whole hike. It was really enjoyable! We seem to have a lot in common, at the very least we both really enjoying hiking. I felt like we made a good connection, and that makes me happy. Making connections like that with like-minded folks doesn't happen too often, so it's always a really great feeling when it does happen. We both were interested in going hiking together again, so we exchanged information. Woo hiking buddies! I'm VERY excited about this, it's been a while since I've had a good hiking buddy. While I enjoy going by myself at times, it can make a hike much more enjoyable if the company is right. I talked with Willow later in the evening and she claims it is serendipity.

Speaking of Willow...I very much enjoyed our conversation we had last night. Lately we've been able to relate to each other quite well. We've both been in some very similar relationships over the years, it's actually a little odd how many. Sometimes it's as if we are the only people we know who can relate to us and understand us as well (if that makes sense...) Talking with her always makes me miss having awesome women around me, good, strong, loving and compassionate women who give a damn. So, thank you Willow for being so awesome! I miss you babe!

1 comment:

Lulu Westbrook said...

My honey!! I love you, too!! I'm glad we got to talk,too.