Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Flickr Love

Originally uploaded by DaddyNewt
I've been spending a lot of time on Flickr lately. There are some really amazing photographers and images out there. The creativity just boggles my mind. If I spend a few minutes just surfing around, I always find something really awesome and I end up feeling very inspired. Something I love about Flickr is that not only are there some amazingly creative photographs floating around, but it's just a great resource. It's almost like a warehouse of images. I love using it for plant, fungi, bird and animal identification. There are a lot of group pools dedicated to just that, so all the photos in those pools are usually correctly labeled and tagged. So if I'm looking for a photo of Amanita muscaria, it's there. Or if I need to verify that it was a Cedar Waxwing I saw (one of my favorite birds btw), that's there as well. This awesome photo of some kind of winter squash is one of my favorites.

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