I can't quite pinpoint the feeling I get from these kinds of night skies. They do leave quite an impression on me. There is something lonely about them. I want to reach up and pat the moon, tell her she is not alone. I think what it is about these skies that is so striking is that they are hints of a long, dark, lonely winter. The time of the year to hibernate, save energies and reflect on the past year, to do that serious work if it needs doing. The kind of work only you can do. I am always left reflecting after gazing at such a moon in a clear, winter sky. Maybe it's just this time of year.
So about your comment on John Lennon's bowtie... Have you ever taken the time to look at most of their clothes? I mean, to really sit back and take in what they are wearing? I mean, Ringo in that same video is wearing a green suit!
And as far as your comment about the winter sky? I understand you. For some reason, the only time of the year that I usually pay a lot attention to the stars is winter.
Hard to explain why, no?
It's take me awhile to get back with you. I'm glad that you have a new blog. See you on Good Reads. :-)
I don't usually look too closely at the outfits really, but then again I haven't watched a whole lot of Beatles videos. But yah, that green suit kicks ass. You should wear a suit like that for your real jobby job.
Well, I think the stars are just more easily noticed in the winter, when there is less other stuff to look at. More of the sky can be seen in wooded areas. Makes sense to me. And they seem more stark, maybe that's because of the starkness of winter landscapes.
Hey Jenny, thanks for the comment! I'm glad to have a new blog too :-)
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