Thursday, November 1, 2007

Merry Samhain!

I wanted to share the Samhain love:
-the Wikipedia entry
-Samhain on Chalice Centre
-Samhain lore on

Wolf likes to say that you can always tell which Pagans are either brand new or just being posers when they pronounce Samhain the way it looks, instead of "sow-in". Ha.

I see this as a time to reflect on the experiences and adventures of the past year and to prepare for the coming winter (read: the cold and dark). I think winter can be a time of regeneration and renewal and Samhain marks the beginning of this time. As the weather cools, I will be spending more time inside and less time running around. This will give me a chance to do some serious thinking and reflecting. At least that's what I'd like this winter's focus to be. As much as I will miss the summer, the warmth and the sun, having less distractions will be a good opportunity for me.

Many people see Samhain as a time to communicate with departed loved ones, as it is when the veil between the two worlds is the thinnest (the other times being May Day and Midsummer). Samhain eve always seems rather witchy to me, and a great time to be out in the woods! This has not been a focus for me this year though, since I have thankfully not lost anyone close to me.

Unfortunately I did not do much of all for Samhain. Rabbit, Wolf and I had planned to go out to the woods, have a fire and play around. Rabbit and I were even going to dress up as faeries (well, I was going to be a woodland pixie). We ended up just hanging out and watching a movie like we normally do since Rabbit still had things to prepare for her move (she left today!). There is always next year, right?

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