Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's raining frozen broccoli!

Not much motivation to write...things at the BFC go on as usual. It is slow around here, with very few new volunteers. Still no buffalo out of the park, so we are still spending most of our time around the cabin. The winter is becoming less severe. We all hope for more snow, but we haven't gotten much in the past few weeks. A lot of sunny days though, which has been nice. I spent a couple of afternoons digging out a nice sized snow cave, although it has been gradually sinking (as snow will do) and without any new snow on top I haven't yet opened it up again. I'm hoping for a big snow soon so I can actually use it. This may sound strange, but I have an elk head waiting for me to cut the ears off to make pouches (the rest of the elk is in the freezer, it will feed many volunteers, thank you mama elk). It will be interesting.

As it is right now, there are a great deal more men here at the campaign than women (not counting our several female neighbors, who aren't directly involved with the BFC). So far this season, I've been dealing with it fairly well. However, my BFC gal pal (one of the 3 female volunteers here) recently took an unexpected trip back home for possibly a month. Just today I have started to really feel the need for more female energy. It really does make a difference. I enjoy hanging out with the guys here, in fact a few of them are becoming more dear to me, but it's just not the same. Sigh (oh so dramatic, ha). I hope she comes back soon.

This is quite strange...there is a plan in the works to make a reality tv show featuring the BFC. The man interested in producing it has already proposed the idea to a major network (I don't know which one) and they liked it, so they're sending him out to do interviews. It supposedly would bring in a good deal of money for the campaign, which is great, but I personally think it is a bad idea. We'll see what comes of it...